1986-Mrch-16 Des Moines(Extreme Right Balcony) Oke

1986-Mrch-16 Des Moines,IA

Extreme Right Balcony

Des Moines,IA
Veterans Memorial Auditorium

Recording: Aud
Format: Ntsc
Quality: 7(+)
Menu: Yes
Extras: Shots of the arena before the show and a short "introduction" from the stage.
Running Time: 67 Minutes/2.23 GB

Comments by NCB: One camera extreme stage right. After a shaky beginning the camera work is OK (mainly stationary). Picture is very good for the time. Audio is shrill and tiring but listenable.
          Last 5 minutes some hands come in to the camera.Too bad.

Setlist :

Detroit rock city
Fits like a glove
Creatures of the night
Cold gin
Love gun
I still love you
I love it loud
Heaven's on fire
Rock and roll all nite
Tears are falling
Lick it up

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