1990-May-18 Detroit(Sullyland) Oke

1990-May-18 Detroit,MI


 Palace of Auburn Hills

 Recording: Pro
 Quality: 9(+)
 Menu: Yes
 Running Time: 107 Minutes/3.67 GB

 Comments by NCB: Sullyland editon. Looks about the same as the previous upgrades, perhaps a little less sharp but there is no grain in the picture here. Audio is good but a little muffled in the highs and there appears to be some minor white noise in the background.


 I stole your love
 Heaven's on fire
 Rise to it
 Fits like a glove
 Crazy crazy nights
 Calling Dr. Love
 Hide your heart
 Black diamond
 Shout it out loud
 Lick it up
 Cold gin
 God of thunder
 Under the gun
 I love it loud
 Tears are falling
 Love gun
 Detroit rock city
 I want you
 Rock and roll all nite

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