1994-Okt-21 Phoenix,AZ(Sullyland) Oke

1994-Okt-21 Phoenix,AZ


Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Recording: Aud
Format: Ntsc
Quality: 8(-)
Menu: Yes
Running Time: 101 Minutes/4.13 GB

Comments by NCB: Sullyland's version. The shaking is still pretty bad and the picture quality on this one looks about the same as my previous copy (perhaps a tad brighter). Audio has recieved a remastering so that although it's still distant it's got more body. There's a slight tape problem during Detroit rock city.


 Creatures of the night
 I stole your love
 Cold gin
 Watchin' you
 I was made for lovin' you
 Calling Dr. Love
 Makin' love
 I want you
 Love gun
 Lick it up
 I love it loud
 Detroit rock city
 Black diamond
 Rock and roll all nite

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