1995-Aug-01 Pittsburgh(Sullyland/Left) Oke

1995-Aug-01 Pittsburgh,PA


The Monroeville Expo Mart

Recording: Aud
Format: Ntsc
Quality: 9
Menu: Yes
Running Time: 127 Minutes/4.33 GB

Comments by NCB: Single cam stage left. Well-shot and fairly clear picture, just a little grainy. Audio is excellent, very in-your-face.Chapter points are too close though.Made by Sullyland.


Comin' home
Plaster caster
Do you love me
Goin' blind
Black diamond
Hide your heart
Sure know something
(God of thunder)
(Strange ways)
(Shock me)
A world without heroes
Nothin' to lose
Hard luck woman
Calling Dr. Love
Rock bottom

C'mon and love me
Take me
(All the way)
Let's put the X in sex
Got to choose
(Rock and roll hell)
Mr. Speed
Christine sixteen
(Room service)
I stole your love
Heaven's on fire
Cold gin
Lick it up
Rock and roll all nite

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