2003-Sept-30 Denver,CO(LoudPuppy Master) Oke

2003-Sept-30 Denver,CO

LoudPuppy Master

Fiddlers Green Amphitheater

Recording: Aud
Quality: 8
Menu: Yes
Running Time: 76 Minutes(3.29 GB)

Comments by Master Taper:Notes: This is one of Loudpuppy's masters; back in the period from 2002-2005, he was quite a prolific filmer or audio taper.
He did dozens of shows, of all sorts of genres. About 8 years ago, I started pulling his masters from his storage unit and
making dubs of DV tapes, or if he had already made DVDs, copies of those. This was fortuitous - about six weeks ago, his
storage unit was robbed and all of the media that he was keeping there was stolen. All that survives is the stuff that I had
grabbed - about 1/3 of his master DVs and 20 or so DVDs from which I had made copies.

One more reason not to sit on your masters - one day, they'll all be gone.

Myself, I'm a fan of audience shot videos - I've shot 40 or so myself, and have 100s of old VHS tapes from collectors around
the world. I really enjoy this video, but, your enjoyment will likely be determined by how much you tolerate somewhat shaky,
somewhat blurry and generated picture. If you're cool with that, then this might be something you'll enjoy! Please don't profit
from this transfer - share it, post it, give it away, but, don't make money off of it.

Lineage: Canon ZR40 (SD)>MPEG (lossless - no reencoding)>Premiere 6.5>VIDEO TS (using ClickToDVD)>DVD-R>VIDEO_TS (extracted losslessly using DVDShrink)

Setlist :

Detroit Rock City
Shout It Out Loud
Let Me Go (Rock 'n Roll)
Lick It Up
I Love It Loud
I Want You
God of Thunder
100,000 Years
Black Diamond
Love Gun
Rock & Roll All Nite

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